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Фрагмент инструкции: руководство пользователя MEDION PNA 3215

Подробные указания по применению содержатся в руководстве пользователя.

Note You will find comprehensive Operating Instructions for navigation on relevant CDs/DVDs and at the online help of the device. Read the section "Frequently Asked Questions" to obtain answers to questions that are often addressed to our customer service. Document Your Navigation Unit It is important to document the details of your Navigation Unit purchase in the event you need warranty service. The serial number can be found on the back of the device: Serial Number Date of Purchase Place of Purchase. Quality In selecting the components we have aimed for a high level of functionality, simple handling, safety and reliability. A well-balanced hardware and software design allows us to offer you a technologically advanced navigation system that will give great satisfaction in both work and leisure use. Service Our individual customer care is there to support you when you have questions or problems. Please get in touch ­ we look forward to helping you. This manual contains a special section on Customer Service starting on page 54. Contents Safety and Maintenance. 1 Safety Instructions. 1 Data Security. 1 Operating Environment. 2 Repair. 2 Ambient Temperature...
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