Фрагмент инструкции: руководство пользователя NOKIA N70-1Подробные указания по применению содержатся в руководстве пользователя. The content of the RS-MMC and the availability of applications and services may vary by country, retailer and/or network operator. The applications and further information about the use of the applications at www. nokia. com/ support are available in selected languages only. Some operations and features are SIM card and/or network dependent, MMS dependent, or dependent on the compatibility of devices and the content formats supported. Some services are subject to a separate charge. NO WARRANTY The third party applications provided on the Reduced-Size MultiMediaCard (RS-MMC) have been created and are owned by persons or entities that are not affiliated with or related to Nokia. Nokia does not own the copyrights and/or intellectual property rights to these third party applications. As such, Nokia does not take responsibility for any end user support or the functionality of these third party applications, nor the information presented in the applications or these materials. Nokia does not provide any warranty for these applications. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE SOFTWARE AND/OR APPLICATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE") ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. NEITHER NOKIA NOR ITS AFFILIATES MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS, OR OTHER RIGHTS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY BY NOKIA OR BY ITS AFFILIATES THAT ANY ASPECT OF THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE... |
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