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Фрагмент инструкции: руководство пользователя ICOM IC-F43GS

Подробные указания по применению содержатся в руководстве пользователя.

Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference. IMPORTANT READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely before using the transceiver. PRECAUTION R CAUTION! NEVER hold the transceiver so that the antenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting. The transceiver will perform best if the microphone is 2 to 4 in. (5 to 10 cm) away from the lips and the transceiver is vertical. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL -- This instruction manual contains important operating instructions for the IC-F33GT/GS VHF TRANSCEIVER and IC-F43GT/GS UHF TRANSCEIVER. R CAUTION! NEVER operate the transceiver with a headset or other audio accessories at high volume levels. R CAUTION! NEVER short the terminals of the battery pack. EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS DEFINITION Personal injury, fire hazard or electric shock RWARNING may occur. CAUTION NOTE Equipment damage may occur. If disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock. WORD DO NOT push PTT when not actually desiring to transmit. AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight or in areas with temperatures below +22°F (­30°C) or above +140°F (+60°C). The basic operations, transmission and reception of the transceiver are guaranteed within the specified operating temperature range. However, the LCD display may not be operate correctly, or show an indication in the case of long hours of operation, or after being placed in extremely cold areas. Icom, Icom Inc. and the logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in the United states, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries. SmarTrunk IITM and SmarTrunk 3GTM are Trademark of SmarTrunk Systems, Inc...
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